vascular health
Evaluation and plan for optimization of your vascular health focused on the prevention of coronary artery disease (leading to heart attacks) and neurovascular disease (leading to stroke and dementia).
In depth analysis of your vascular risk
The measure and prevention of vascular health in today’s health system often uses in-effective measurements and initiates “prevention” long after the progression of vascular disease has already taken place. Through evaluation of family history, genetic evaluation, and comprehensive vascular labs and sometimes through imaging, we will determine you current state of vascular health.
Truly preventive personalized vascular health plan
With the data from our analysis, we will develop an informed and mutually agreed upon multimodal plan to prevent the development of vascular disease (or stabilize current disease) with the goal of mitigating the risk of the number one cause of mortality in the US.
Supported Maintanace of vascular health
Throughout our time together, we will continue to check-in and make needed adjustments to assure we are continuing to optimize the multiple factors that contribute to your vascular health.
Our body depends on the appropriate deliver of oxygen and other biochemical substances. The delivery is carried out through our blood vessels. Two big examples include compromised blood vessels that feed the heart leading to heart attack. or compromised blood vessels that feed the brain leading to stroke and/or dementia. However, vessels feed all organs in our bodies and a long list of complications can occur with vascular disease including non-healing wounds, erectile dysfunction and lung disease.